The Ag Water Exchange blog is a place for thoughtful discussion of ideas and information on water quality and agricultural management practices.  The goal of the Ag Water Exchange is to contribute to the greater advancement water quality knowledge and modern agricultural management practices.


Cover crops and water quality webinar preview #2

On February 16, 2022, the Discovery Farms® Programs in Wisconsin, Vermont, Arkansas, and Minnesota will host a one-day webinar titled “Cover crops and water quality.” Join this interactive webinar to learn more from what water... Read More

Creative ways to graze

This article was originally produced for Dairy’s Bottom Line, a PDPW publication.  Discovery Farms and the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) partnered up in March to begin a Producer-Led Webinar Series called,... Read More

So, when did you become a scientist?

I vividly remember when I became a scientist. I think I was in fifth grade, and we were assigned to develop a research question and hypothesis and collect data to illustrate the scientific method. My... Read More

Introducing Discovery Acres in Vermont

In late 2020, the University of Vermont Extension began construction on Discovery Acres, a new on-farm research site located in the St. Albans Bay watershed. This is multi-year project funded by the Vermont Agency of... Read More


This site is organized and administered by the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center, in collaboration with the following partners:

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